Rhythms of Nature Wellness Week 2023 - Nimmo Bay

Rhythms of Nature Wellness Week 2023

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Nimmo Bay is thrilled to announce Rhythms of Nature Wellness Week, running from April 27th to May 2nd. This is your opportunity to experience intentional wellbeing as you explore your relationship with the natural world and create a healing shift within.

In this 5-night stay, you will have the chance to connect with a handful of intentionally selected wellness masters who will share their teachings. You will have the opportunity to learn through a variety of classes and book one-on-one sessions with the masters to dive deeper into your own wellness, spiritual connection, or healing. From craniosacral therapy to breath control, from meditation to yoga, prepare for a full body, mind, and soul restoration.

Dive into learning about the special guests who will be leading you on this life changing journey and the bounty of classes and treatments that you can choose from.

Yoga and WEllnessJames

Yoga and Wellness

Tina pashumAti James

Tina Pashumati James is renowned for her yoga teaching, high-altitude mountaineering, and adventure expeditions. She is an environmental steward for the trees, the bears, the water, and air. She has pledged to serve the first nations in a good way and honour the land she stands on. These principals are deeply woven into her practice. Tina is a master of her craft, an expert in yoga, health, and wellness; having offered over 30 teacher trainings in the past 30 years and over 50 different retreats worldwide. Tina is an advanced Ashtanga, Pranayama, and Jivamukti yoga teacher and is ready to bring her expertise to Nimmo Bay. She specializes in breathwork and using yoga to improve mental health, spinal wellness, and injury recovery.

Her unique perspective ties the essence of yoga to environmental stewardship. She is an advocate for plant-based diets and is a wealth of knowledge on how food is important within yoga practices.

“Environmentalism and animal activism are why “I became a yoga teacher,” to honour the earth with my First Nations Elders with respect for nature and the sacred ceremonies, and to use it as a platform to share and educate for a good future for global mental health and wellness.”

With Tina, you can expect to treat your whole body, working with the mental, physical, emotional, and Spiritual. Her highly devotional mantra-based practices mixed with shamanic drumming and music will help shift your perceptions.

Tina Pashumati James

Sound and Relaxation

Cory Schall

Cory Schall specializes in Holistic, Orthopaedic Therapy and Healing Arts. He graduated from Mount Royal University in 2017 and has been working for seven successful professional years and has over 2500 hours of training. Cory’s practice has space for anyone at any stage of their wellness journey. He has experience working with a wide variety of patients that vary from palliative care to professional athletes, injury rehabilitation, and chronic pain management.

As a competitive performance athlete and yogi for many years, Cory understands that massage therapy, intentional movement, and conscious observation are an integral part of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and overall health. Through Cory’s active listening skills, he can work with patients to create the most effective treatment tailored to their needs as individuals. His compassionate and holistic approach to massage therapy blends his clinical and therapeutic knowledge with the natural healing power of the human body. He also incorporates his knowledge of Vedantic Philosophy to create a luxury experience that facilitates the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Cory is an information sponge – you can guarantee to leave your treatment feeling better and knowing why.

Typically heavy handed on the pressure, Cory’s treatment style is fluid, grounding, and calming – but most of all adaptive, inclusive, and informed. He incorporates Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Proprio-receptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Lymphatic Drainage, Sports Massage, Swedish Relaxation, Trigger Point Therapy, Shiatsu techniques, Somatic release, Sound and vibration techniques, Breath Work and Therapeutic Exercise. His lifelong adoration for orthopaedic academia demonstrates prowess beyond his years when treating the nuances of a human body.

When not working, you can expect to find Cory drawing in his sketchbook somewhere outside, reading about yoga, or trying his best to go swimming!

Cory Schall
Image by Andi Wardrop

Embodiment and the Inner Self


Jewel brings her advanced training and diplomate certification in CranioSacral Therapy & Somato-Emotional Release to Wellness Week. Her sessions are grounded in non-dual spiritual Embodiment teachings, which she’s been specializing in since 1996, along with an 8-year professional training in (soul-directed) Advanced Energy Healing.

Jewel is looking forward to blending and melding with the environment at Nimmo Bay during wellness week. She will lead guests through the opportunities that the Spirit offers for deeply loving connection and inspired self-growth.

“I have a background as a photojournalist and magazine writer dating back to the early 1980’s when I travelled extensively to extreme wilderness locations. Nimmo is a treasure to be experienced through the Wholeness of our Hearts and Minds. I love that I will be able to help others experience the deepest depths of absolute Presence available at all times to all of us, but especially in this magnificent and sacred setting. I can’t wait!”


Healing and Energy Flow

Lillian Wei

Lillian Wei is an Acupuncturist that specializes in Traditional Chinese Medicine. After a successful but strenuous career in the media industry, she found herself suffering from tension headaches, body pain, digestive discomfort, and anxiety. Through tuning into her own body, listening to what it needed, and searching for a remedy, she found acupuncture. Two years into her own healing journey, Lillian felt led to leave that stable media job and pursue Traditional Chinese Medicine. With advanced training in sports and orthopaedic acupuncture, her practice focuses on pain, women’s health, emotional imbalances, and digestive disorders.

Acupuncture helped Lillian gain her health back and she is inspired to share this healing modality with everyone during Wellness Week.

Lillian Wei

Power and Rest

Bianca Lorage

Bianca is a lifelong student of the healing arts and her work draws on many forms of holistic bodywork and lineages of teaching. She provides an experience that is uniquely created to best serve how you show up for your treatment. As her work is always evolving, there is no ‘typical session’. However, you can expect one that involves showing up in the body, deep listening, and an intuitive sense of what is unspoken.

After pursuing a degree in Psychology and working in the field, Bianca had a desire to move from the classroom to a place where growth was more playful and inquisitive. Since making this transition, she has undergone numerous trainings in both bodywork and yoga. Today, Bianca works one-on-one and in groups to find the classroom within the space of nature and self-inquiry.

What excites her the most is encouraging you to go inwards and to foster a deeper connection to the self. Bianca is passionate about strengthening relationships with nature and rekindling our inherent connection to it. She also believes strongly in the ability to slow down and take pause in our lives, and the power that comes from this practice. It is her hope that after your Nimmo Bay journey, you walk back into your life rooted in deeper connections to your community, nature, and most importantly, yourself.

Bianca Lorage

Connect with Breath

Tyler Huston

Tyler Huston is a professional Breathing Coach, with a background as a First Responder Paramedic, Addictions Nurse, Respiratory Specialist, Occupationally Aware Clinician, and High-Performance Coach. He used his work experience and passion to start Breath Control and is the Director of the BreatheFirst Program. He’s spent years refining his practice, working with various health professionals, athletes, and military personnel to develop a top tier program.

Breath Control is based on expert research that shows how specific breathing techniques can help anyone at any age in preventing, supporting and recovery from conditions, disorders, and diseases impacting our everyday physical and mental health.

BreatheFirst is a two-eyed seeing approach infusing nature, cultural knowledge, and traditional healing practices with the latest advances in medical research to improve mental, physical and spiritual health and wellbeing naturally, through the breath.

Tyler Huston


Explore the curated collection of classes offered during Wellness Week. Join these special group classes and enjoy the ample opportunity to rest, unwind, connect, sauna, hot tub, hike, kayak, and so much more.

Deep Rest – Bianca Lorage

Rest and slowing down is hard for many of us, yet we are learning more and more about how crucial it is to our wellbeing. This class provides space to slow down and tome to give your nervous system essential rest. In this class, we will be using many props to support our body into gently unwinding. Poses will be held for 3-10 minutes to allow us to sink deeply. The space will be warmed to help let the body open and settle.

Kirtan and Candles – Cory Schall

Join our offering of a beginners candle lit meditation class where Cory will lead a Kirtan Kriya. Kirtan Kriya is an ancient technique that incorporates mudra, sound, and breath. Kriya meditation is perfect for people who are new to meditation because it focuses on easy and gentle tasks that keep the mind focused, calm, and grounded. 

Shamanic Drumming and Energetic Breathwork – Tina pashumAti James

This is the ultimate release. Practice receiving during Tina’s Shamanic Breath & Drumming class. Shamanic drumming is known to facilitate balance between the right and left hemisphere of your brain through rhythm and sound. It is a powerful tool for release and bringing equilibrium to the mind. Balanced with Shamanic breathing, also known as holotropic breathing, it can bring on a positive outlook on life, self-awareness, and healing in your emotional, physical, and mental bodies.

Various meditations and yoga classes will also be offered by Tina.

Connecting to Breath – Tyler Huston

Breathing is your most important source of energy. It’s essential to longevity, to your quality of life, and to connect within yourself, your community, and the natural world. In this BreatheFirst class, you will work to restore the balance of the B4(Before) – Breath, Body, Brain, Being. Through restoring traditional breathing, you will find support in your physical, mental, spiritual, and cultural needs.

Awareness of the Self Through Inner Journeys in the Body-Mind – Jewel

This class will offer meditation opportunities for the group and Jewel will tailor to the energy in the room to meet everyone’s spiritual needs. Prepare for an introduction into deep ‘embodiment’ through recognizing your own inner maps of consciousness. Jewel will show you your personal energetic anatomy, energy fields and chakras. Including the Christ/Oneness/Divine Self (accessible through 24th chakra above and also below, and all throughout the Heart of everything). The monad (12th chakra), personal reincarnating soul (8 chakra), and within the body, the importance of the Heart, Root and Earth Star for healing, along with other chakras and the kinds of stories that they hold. With this knowledge, you will navigate the inner realms of your Being with ease and grace, guided from within.


These exclusive bookable treatments will be offered only during Wellness Week. Curate and craft your perfect trip and select the one-on-ones best suited for you. Plus choose from our regular wellness menu. 

The Inner Goddess – Bianca Lorage

This 90-minute treatment is meant for women in need of connection and to feel their full power. This treatment starts with some grounding words to help you become aware of your whole body. The session includes the full body, as well as breasts and abdomen after consent has been given. In her practice, Bianca has seen the disconnect we have from these areas of our body, and the emotions we feel towards them. Expect some much-needed loving touch and a reminder of the power and beauty our body holds.

Rhythm and Melody – Cory Schall

Sink into this immune boosting, balancing, and restoring lymphatic treatment that incorporates prolonged and relaxing tapotement techniques. Expect an immersive sound bath experience, with singing bowls bringing you deep relaxation, paired with reorienting guided movement.

CALMS – Connect with air, land, mountains, and sea – Tyler Huston

In this treatment, prepare to engage your breath with CALMS, which stands for connect with air, land, mountains, and sea. There is no better place to experience this ceremony than at Nimmo Bay, surrounded by pure, untamed wilderness. Learn how to trust your own breath and connect with each of these individual elements in a unique way.

Spiritual Embodiment Session – using Advanced CranioSacral & Esoteric Healing – Jewel

Journey through a Spiritual Embodiment treatment, aligning your Inner Wisdom through your energy anatomy via your inner vertical axis, chakras, fields of consciousness and the grounded universal Heart. Jewel will help encourage unconditional love, light and wisdom of your unchanging eternal nature to anchor into your ‘me’ consciousness. Cranial Sacral Therapy dovetails perfectly with spiritual embodiment. It will soothe, revitalize, and recalibrate your central nervous system, by blending with the tissues and cerebral-spinal fluid that flows through the centre of your being.

Acupuncture and BreathworkLillian Wei

During this treatment you can expect to start with a tongue and pulse diagnosis, followed by a series of health inquiries to identify a Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome. Each 60-minute acupuncture treatment aims to smooth out energy flows of the whole body to maximize its healing capacity. To enhance your healing journey, Lillian also offers a 90-minute breathwork and acupuncture combination treatment. Tap into the power of your subconscious mind for profound healing at a spiritual level. As a result, you can gain clarity on life’s matters and heal from past challenges to facilitate moving to a better, brighter, and more abundant future.

Photos by Jeremy Koreski

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