Reconnecting with Wild Places: Green Embraces & Blue Graces

great bear rainforest

Soak up nature and all of its benefits.

Sure, it is enjoyable to spend time in nature when we have the opportunity, but is it essential? According to numerous studies – yes, it is!

Research has repeatedly suggested that spending time in natural environments is beneficial to our overall health. What could be referred to as the ‘nature effect’ – as the power of the wild is often called – is supported by science-backed evidence that even small amounts of time outside can improve our mental and physical well-being – making us healthier, happier and even more creative.

Spending time in nature feels, in many ways, like coming home. It cleanses your mind and spirit and offers deep relaxation as you let the nourishment of the natural world seep in. Not only does it provide visual beauty and gentle stimuli, it has a wonderful way of awakening the senses and lifting your spirits with a real, lasting effect. An amble through the forest, finding your rhythm on a paddle board, a free diving session, a stroll along the beach, taking in the view from a mountaintop – nature is medicine – ultimately renewing our overall sense of health and vitality.


Let the Healing Effect of Nature Seep In

Deep in the woods, under a green canopy of therapeutic foliage, you find the time and space to connect with both the wild and yourself. Instinctively, we are drawn to the forest as it refreshes the mind, heightens awareness and rejuvenates our internal sources of energy.

The Japanese, in particular, have thoroughly researched and discovered many positive health benefits of spending time in nature. “Shinrin-yoku means bathing in the forest atmosphere or taking in the forest through our senses. This is not exercise, or hiking, or jogging. It is simply being in nature, connecting with it through our senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Shinrin-yoku is like a bridge. By opening our senses, it bridges the gap between us and the natural world,” says Dr. Qing Li.

As a meditative practice, it’s about slowing down, gaining an appreciation of your surroundings, mindfully engaging your senses to notice and connect with the natural world, and yourself. The benefits stem from the total effect of the forest environment – beautiful scenery, clean air, refreshing scent, and a quiet atmosphere.

Research shows that, if practiced regularly, mindful forest walks can be beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, boosting the immune system, increasing the ability to focus, inspiring creativity, uplifting energy levels, and enhancing a sense of wellbeing.

Blue Graces 

Experience a New Level of Calm, Naturally

Did you know that being around blue-hued landscapes can have a positive impact on our health? A recent review of 35 studies connecting water to wellbeing demonstrated that interacting with blue spaces can help keep anxiety and depression at bay (Psychology Today). Just as wandering through a forest can offer a meditative practice, you’ve likely noticed how being on or near to water can inspire a soothing sense of tranquility.

Near, in, on, or under – water has a spiritually restorative effect. It provides a soft, fluid visual, and inspires reflection. With its constant ebb and flow, the tide gently reminds us of patterns found in nature. We start to think outwards towards the environment, gaining a new perspective and a deeper connection. Have you ever noticed how water bodies have a subtle way of holding our attention without any conscious effort? Some would call it spellbinding!

Spending time near the water has been found to offer a long list of health benefits for our overall wellbeing – an elevated and sustained state of happiness, reduced stress levels, lowered heart and breathing rates, and improved quality of life.


Reconnect with Nature

Nestled amongst wild landscapes, lush rainforest, and majestic ocean, Nimmo Bay offers an immersive and intentional experience. The forest nudges us to breathe deeper, pause and reset, while the tranquillity of the ocean supports deep reflection and the opportunity to refresh our senses.

In the peaceful quiet of the rainforest, join a guided walking meditation or hike, leaving the pressures of daily life behind. As you wander amongst the cedar giants, return to your body, still your mind and engage your senses. Notice and appreciate the subtleties all-around – a bird song, the cool breeze on your face, the beauty of an ancient tree. Let the forest reconnect you with the natural world in a welcoming green embrace.

The healing effects of water therapy are as old as our connection to nature itself. Relish in an invigorating plunge in the Pacific Ocean, followed by a warming soak in our cedar hot tubs at the base of a cascading waterfall. Join a coastal safari in search of marine life, wade in and rhythmically cast your fly rod along a remote river or paddle your kayak along the calm waters of the bay to our floating sauna for a meditative steam. Witness as these watery blue graces naturally radiate their serene splendour.

At Nimmo Bay, observe as nature reflects radiance in her rhythms. Immerse yourself in the wilderness as you explore what serves you in the deepest and most powerful ways. Be nurtured by nature and unearth the wildness within.

 Great Bear Rainforest
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